Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Focus: New Journal !

Neuroethics, Volume 1, #1, 2008

Neil Levy. Introducing Neuroethics.
Excerpt from Levy's introduction:
Neuroethics, as I use the term (following [16]), refers to two, closely interrelated, enterprises. First, it refers to ethical reflection on new technologies and techniques produced by neuroscience (and other sciences of the mind). These questions are closely analogous to the kinds of issues that are the traditional territory of bioethics; just as the latter ponders questions about the application of new biomedical techniques (is cloning permissible? When should we turn off respirators and other life-support equipment? Should genetic enhancement be permitted?), so neuroethics attempts to answer questions about the applications of neuroscientific knowledge: does the use of psychopharmaceuticals threaten our self-conception? Should evidence from brain imaging be admissible in criminal proceedings? Are psychopaths responsible agents? And so on.

Martha J. Farah. Neuroethics and the Problem of Other Minds: Implications of Neuroscience for the Moral Status of Brain-Damaged Patients and Nonhuman Animals.
Adina L. Roskies. Neuroimaging and Inferential Distance.
Julian Savulescu and Anders Sandberg. Neuroenhancement of Love and Marriage: The Chemicals Between Us.
Walter Glannon. Psychopharmacological Enhancement.
Sheri Alpert. Neuroethics and Nanoethics: Do We Risk Ethical Myopia?
Cordelia Fine. Will Working Mothers’ Brains Explode? The Popular New Genre of Neurosexism.

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