Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 22, #4, 2014
Cambridge Quarterly of Heathcare Ethics, Vol. 24, #1, 2014
Emotion Review, Vol. 7, #1, 2015
Inquiry, Vol. 57, #5-6, 2014
Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 11, #6, 2014
Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 70, #4, 2014

British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 22, #4, 2014
George Duke. Aristotle and the Authoritativeness of Politike.
Gloria Frost. Peter Olivi's Rejection of God's Concurrence with Created Causes.
Leo Catana. Readings of Platonic Virtue Theories from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: The Case of Marsilio Ficino's De amore.
Omri Boehm. Freedom and the Cogito.
Sanem Soyarslan. The Susceptibility of Intuitive Knowledge to Akrasia in Spinoza's Ethical Thought.
Julia Jorati. Leibniz's Twofold Gap Between Moral Knowledge and Motivation.
Patrick R. Frierson. Maria Montessori's Epistemology.
Lionel Shapiro. Sellars on the Function of Semantic Vocabulary.
Arianna Betti & Hein van den Berg. Modelling the History of Ideas.
C. S. Meyns. The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Philosophy.
Daniel Schmal. Continuity and Innovation in Medieval and Modern Philosophy: Knowledge, Mind, and Language.
Kenneth Seeskin. Maimonides: Life and Thought.
Yoram Hazony. Imagined Causes: Hume's Conception of Objects.
Joshua M. Wood. Causality and Mind: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy.
Agnes Judit Vashegyi MacDonald. The Philosophy of Praxis: Marx, Lukács, and the Frankfurt School.
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Cambridge Quarterly of Heathcare Ethics, Vol. 24, #1, 2014
Special Section: How Moral Is (Moral) Enhancement?

Special Section: How Moral Is (Moral) Enhancement?
Vojin Rakic and James Hughes. Guest Editorial - Reflections On Moral Enhancement: Can We? Should We?
John Harris and Julian Savulescu. A Debate About Moral Enhancement.
Thomas Douglas. The Harms ff Enhancement and The Conclusive Reasons View.
Nicholas Agar. Moral Bioenhancement and The Utilitarian Catastrophe.
Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu. The Art ff Misunderstanding Moral Bioenhancement - Two Cases.
Vojin Rakic. We Must Create Beings With Moral Standing Superior To Our Own.
Chris Gyngell and Simon Easteal. Cognitive Diversity and Moral Enhancement.
Y. M. Barilan. Moral Enhancement, Gnosticism, and Some Philosophical Paradoxes.
James J. Hughes. Moral Enhancement Requires Multiple Virtues - Toward A Posthuman Model Of Character Development.
Bioethics and Literature
Woods Nash. Narrative Ethics, Authentic Integrity, and An Intrapersonal Medical Encounter In David Foster Wallace’s “Luckily The Account Representative Knew Cpr”.
Dissecting Bioethics
Matti Häyry. What Exactly Did You Claim? - A Call For Clarity In The Presentation Of Premises And Conclusions In Philosophical Contributions To Ethics.
Bioethics Education
Nathan Carlin. Doctors And Dr. Seuss - Restoring The Patient’s Voice.
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Emotion Review, Vol. 7, #1, 2015
Christine R. Harris. Editorial.
Special Section: Gender and Emotion
Ursula Hess. Introduction: Gender and Emotion.
Reginald B. Adams, Jr., Ursula Hess, and Robert E. Kleck. The Intersection of Gender-Related Facial Appearance and Facial Displays of Emotion.
Tara M. Chaplin. Gender and Emotion Expression: A Developmental Contextual Perspective.
Agneta Fischer and Marianne LaFrance. What Drives the Smile and the Tear: Why Women Are More Emotionally Expressive Than Men.
Gary McKeown, Ian Sneddon, and William Curran. Gender Differences in the Perceptions of Genuine and Simulated Laughter and Amused Facial Expressions.
Heather J. MacArthur and Stephanie A. Shields. There’s No Crying in Baseball, or Is There? Male Athletes, Tears, and Masculinity in North America.
Special Section: Methodological Innovations from the Sociology of Emotions–Part 1
Roger Patulny, Natalya Godbold, and Rebecca Olson. Introduction: Embracing Emotional Research: Methodological Challenges in the Sociology of Emotions.
Petya Fitzpatrick and Rebecca E. Olson. A Rough Road Map to Reflexivity in Qualitative Research into Emotions.
Renata Grossi. Understanding Law and Emotion.
Mary Holmes. Researching Emotional Reflexivity.
Rick Iedema and Katherine Carroll. Research as Affect-Sphere: Towards Spherogenics.
Jordan McKenzie. Recognizing Decentered Intersubjectivity in Social Experience.
Jan E. Stets. Comment on “Methodological Innovations from the Sociology of Emotions – Theoretical Advances”.
Jordan Bartol and Stefan Linquist. How Do Somatic Markers Feature in Decision Making?
Heather C. Lench, Shane W. Bench, Kathleen E. Darbor, and Melody Moore. A Functionalist Manifesto: Goal-Related Emotions From an Evolutionary Perspective.
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Inquiry, Vol. 57, #5-6, 2014
Jessica M. Wilson. No Work for a Theory of Grounding.
Alexis Burgess. Keeping 'True' : A Case Study in Conceptual Ethics.
Pat Lewtas. When is a Concrete Property Basic?
Daniel Nolan. The Dangers of Pragmatic View.
Wolfgang Barz. Doubts about One's Own Existence.
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Journal of Moral Philosophy, Vol. 11, #6, 2014
Tristram McPherson. A Case for Ethical Veganism.
Timoth Chappell. Why Ethics is Hard.
Patricia Marino. Moral Coherence and Principle Pluralism.
Sebastian Köhler. Expressivism and Mind-Dependence.
Book Reviews
Alexandra Plakias reviews Morality and the Emotions, edited by Carla Bagnoli.
Keith Hankins reviews Free Market Fairness, written by John Tomasi.
William Rehg reviews Natural Law, Economics, and the Common Good, edited by Samuel Gregg and Harold James.
Karsten Stueber reviews Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, edited by Amy Coplan and Peter Goldie.
D. Robert MacDougall reviews Reconceiving Medical Ethics, edited by C. Cowley.
Sandra Lynch reviews Friendship, written by Michael H. Mitias.
Jonathan Sands Wise reviews Moralism: A Study of a Vice, written by Craig Taylor.
Sandra Marshall reviews The Ajax Dilemma: Justice, Fairness and Rewards, written by Paul Woodruff.
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Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 70, #4, 2014
Special Issue: Confronting and Reducing Sexism: Creating Interventions that Work, Issue edited by: Julia C. Becker, Matthew J. Zawadzki, Stephanie A. Shields
Julia C. Becker, Matthew J. Zawadzki and Stephanie A. Shields. Confronting and Reducing Sexism: A Call for Research on Intervention.
Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, John C. Blanchar, Jessica Petersson, Kathryn A. Morris and Stephanie A. Goodwin. Do You Say Something When It's Your Boss? The Role of Perpetrator Power in Prejudice Confrontation.
Benjamin J. Drury and Cheryl R. Kaiser. Allies against Sexism: The Role of Men in Confronting Sexism.
Sarah J. Gervais and Amy L. Hillard. Confronting Sexism as Persuasion: Effects of a Confrontation's Recipient, Source, Message, and Context.
Julia C. Becker and Manuela Barreto. Ways to Go: Men's and Women's Support for Aggressive and Nonaggressive Confrontation of Sexism as a Function of Gender Identification.
NiCole T. Buchanan, Isis H. Settles, Angela T. Hall and Rachel C. O'Connor. A Review of Organizational Strategies for Reducing Sexual Harassment: Insights from the U. S. Military.
Jessica L. Cundiff, Matthew J. Zawadzki, Cinnamon L. Danube and Stephanie A. Shields. Using Experiential Learning to Increase the Recognition of Everyday Sexism as Harmful: The WAGES Intervention.
Kim A. Case, Rachel Hensley and Amber Anderson. Reflecting on Heterosexual and Male Privilege: Interventions to Raise Awareness.
Soledad de Lemus, Laura Navarro, Marta J. Velásquez, Estrella Ryan and Jesús L. Megías. From Sex to Gender: A University Intervention to Reduce Sexism in Argentina, Spain, and El Salvador.
Rachel M. Calogero and Tracy L. Tylka. Sanctioning Resistance to Sexual Objectification: An Integrative System Justification Perspective.
Commentary: Encouraging Confrontation.
Peter Glick.
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