Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

American Dialectic, Vol. II, #1, 2012
American Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 49, #1, 2012
Analysis, Vol. 72, #1, 2012
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 35, #1, 2012
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 119, #5, 2011
Philosophy Compass, Vol. 7, #2, 2012

American Dialectic, Vol. II, #1, 2012
Marcus Schultz-Bergin. Aristotle's Intermittently Existing Masked Man.
Louise Mabille. Gadamer Contra Excess.
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American Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 49, #1, 2012
Bradley Armour-Garb.  The monotonicity of ‘no’ and the no-proposition view.
John Greco.  Recent work on testimonial knowledge.
Sophie Gibb.  Nonreductive physicalism and the problem of strong closure.
Andrew Sneddon.  Recipes for moral paradox.
Sean McAleer.  Propositional gratitude.
Byron Williston.  The importance of self-forgiveness.
Caj Strandberg.  Expressivism and dispositional desires.
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Analysis, Vol. 72, #1, 2012
Jennifer Saul.  Just go ahead and lie.
John Skorupski.  The Frege-Geach objection to expressivism: Still unanswered.
Robert E. Goodin.  Excused by the unwillingness of others?
Ira M. Schnall and David Widerker.  The direct argument and the burden of proof.
Jonathan Westphal.  Is there a modal fallacy in van Inwagen’s ‘First Formal Argument’?
Stephen Law.  Naturalism, evolution and true belief.
Josh Parsons.  Cognitivism about imperatives.
Igor Douven.  The sequential lottery paradox.
Thomas Kroedel.  The lottery paradox, epistemic justification and permissibility.
Laurence Goldstein.  The Sorites is nonsense disguised by a fallacy.
Bradley Armour-Garb.  No consistent way with paradox.
Lei Zhong.  Counterfactuals, regularity and the autonomy approach.
Branden Fitelson.  Evidence of evidence is not (necessarily) evidence.
Larry Shapiro and Elliott Sober.  Against proportionality.
David S. Oderberg.  Graph structuralism and its discontents: Rejoinder to Shackel.
Robert Trueman.  Dolby substitution (where available).
Matthew A Benton.  Assertion, knowledge and predictions.
Martijn J. Blaauw.  Reinforcing the knowledge account of assertion.
Recent Works
Troy Cross.  Recent work on dispositions.
Fredrik Bjorklund, Gunnar Bjornsson, John Eriksson, Ragnar Francen Olinder, and Caj Strandberg.  Recent work on motivational internalism.
Critical Notices
John Collins.  Cuts and clouds.
Serena Olsaretti.  The inseparability of the personal and the political: Review of G.A. Cohen’s Rescuing Justice and Equality.
Matt Nudds.  Origins of objectivity.
Book Reviews
The Force of Argument: Essays in Honor of Timothy Smiley edited by Jonathan Lear and Alex Oliver.
New Essays on Singular Thought edited by Robin Jeshion.  Review by Thomas J. McKay.
Memory: A Philosophical Study by Sven Bernecker.  Review by John Sutton.
Relying on Others: An Essay in Epistemology by Sanford C. Goldberg.Review by Michael Root.
The Nature and Value of Knowledge: Three Investigations by Duncan Pritchard, Alan Millar, and Adrian Haddock.  Review by Ralph Wedgwood.
Action, Ethics, and Responsibility edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke and Harry S. Silverstein.  Causing Human Actions: New Perspectives on the Causal Theory of Action edited by Jesus H. Aguilar and Andrei A. Buckareff.  Review by Maria Alvarez.
The World in the Head by Robert Cummins.  Review by David Yates.
The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World by Owen Flanagan.  Review by John Cottingham.
The Importance of How We See Ourselves: Self-Identity and Responsible Agency by Marina Oshana.  Review by Jan Bransen.
Desire, Practical Reason, and the Good edited by Sergio Tenenbaum.  Review by Kirster Bykvist.
Cosmopolitanism: A Philosophy for Global Ethics by Stan van Hooft.  Globalizing Justice: The Ethics of Poverty and Power by Richard W. Miller.  Review by Ambrose Y. K. Lee.
Divine Intervention: Metaphysical and Epistemological Puzzles by Evan Fales.  Review by Michael Scott.
Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work edited by Kathleen Stock.  Review by R. M. Dancy.
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Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 35, #1, 2012
Target Article
Francesco Guala.  Reciprocity: Weak or strong?  What punishment do experiments do (and do not) demonstrate.
Open Peer Commentary
Gabrielle S. Adams and Elizabeth Mullen.  The social and psychological costs of punishing.
Pat Barclay.  Proximate and ultimate causes of punishment and strong reciprocity.
Nicolas Baumard.  The restorative logic of punishment: Another argument in favor of weak selection.
Yoella Bereby-Meyer.  Reciprocity and uncertainty.
Christopher Boehm.  Costs and benefits in hunter-gatherer punishment.
Samuel Bowles, Robert Boyd, Sarah Mathew, and Peter J. Richerson.  The punishment that sustains cooperation is often coordinated and costly.
Marco Casari.  Weak reciprocity alone cannot explain peer punishment.
Claudia Civai and Alan Langus.  In medio stat virtus: Theoretical and methodological extremes regarding reciprocity will not explain complex social behaviors.
Miguel dos Santos and Claus Wedekind.  Examining punishment at different explanatory levels.
Anna Dreber and David G. Rand.  Retaliation and antisocial punishment are overlooked in many theoretical models as well as behavioral experiements.
Matthew Feinberg, Joey T. Cheng, and Robb Willer.  Gossip as an effective and low-cost form of punishment.
Eamonn Ferguson and Philip Corr.  Blood, sex, personality, power, and altruism: Factors influencing the validity of strong reciprocity.
Simon Gachter.  In the lab and the field: Punishment is rare in equilibrium.
Herbert Gintis and Ernst Fehr.  The social structure of cooperation and punishment.
Sule Guney and Ben R. Newell.  Is strong reciprocity really strong in the lab, let alone in the real world?
Joseph Henrich and Maciej Chudek.  Understanding the research program.
Keith Jensen.  Social preference experiments in animals: Strengthening the case for human preferences.
Tim Johnson.  The strategic logic of costly punishment necessitates natural field experiments, and at least one such experiment exists.
Nikos Nikiforakis.  Altruistic punishment: What field data can (and cannot) demonstrate.
Elinor Ostrom.  Experiments combining communication with punishment options demonstrate how individuals can overcome social dilemmas.
Anne C. Pisor and Daniel M.T. Fessler.  Importing social preferences across contexts and the pitfall of over-generalization across theories.
Dwight Read.  Culture: The missing piece in theories of weak and strong reciprocity.
Alejandro Rosas.  Towards a unified theory of reciprocity.
Don Ross.  Special human vulnerability to low-cost collective punishment.
W.G. Runciman.  Strong reciprocity is not uncommon in the “wild”.
Alex Shaw and Laurie Santos.  Lab support for strong reciprocity is weak: Punishing for reputation rather than cooperation.
Robert Sugden.  Altruistic punishment as an explanation of hunter-gatherer cooperation: How much has experimental economics achieved?
Claudio Tennie.  Punishing for your own good: The case of reputation-based cooperation.
Paul A.M. Van Lange, Daniel P. Balliet and Hans I Jzerman.  What we need is theory of human cooperation (and meta-analysis) to bridge the gap between the lab and the wild.
Pieter van den Berg, Lucas Molleman and Franz J. Weissing.  The social costs of punishment.
Christopher R. von Rueden and Michael Gurven.  When the strong punish: Why net costs of punishment are often negligible.
Polly Wiessner.  Perspectives from ethnography on weak and strong reciprocity.
Author’s Response
Francesco Guala.  Strong reciprocity is real, but there is no evidence that uncoordinated costly punishment sustains cooperation in the wild.
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Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 119, #5, 2011
Daniel Aaronson and Bhashkar Mazumder.  The impact of Rosenwald schools on black achievement.
Mark Carlson, Kris James Mitchener, and Gary Richardson.  Arresting banking panics: Federal Reserve liquidity provision and the forgotten panic of 1929.
Sam Schulhofer-Wohl.  Heterogeneity and tests of risk sharing.
Emeric Henry and Carlos J. Ponce.  Waiting to imitate: On the dynamic pricing of knowledge.
Jennifer Brown.  Quitters never win: The (adverse) incentive effects of competing with superstars.
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Peter R. Anstey, John Locke and Natural Philosophy. Reviewed by Jan-Erik Jones.
Stephen Davies. Musical Understandings: and Other Essays on the Philosophy of Music. Reviewed by Paul Thom.
Jonathan I. Israel, Democratic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights 1750-1790. Reviewed by Omri Boehm.
Anthony O'Hear. Philosophy and Religion. Reviewed by John Cottingham.
Hasana Sharp, Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization. Reviewed by Michael Mack.
Galen Strawson, Locke on Personal Identity: Consciousness and Concernment. Reviewed by William Uzgalis.
Catherine H. Zuckert,  Plato's Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues. Reviewed by Christopher Long.
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Philosophy Compass, Vol. 7, #2, 2012
Ivan Gaskell.  Museums and philosophy – of art, and many other things part I.
Ivan Gaskell.  Museums and philosophy – of art, and many other things part II.
Stephen Grimm.  “The value of understanding.”
Matthew Chrisman.  Epistemic expressivism.
Amy Perfors.  Bayesian models of congnition: What’s built in after all?
Oystein Linnebo.  Metaontological minimalism.
James Genone.  Theories of reference and experimental philosophy.
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