Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 15-19, 2010, Part II.

Isis, Vol. 100, #4, 2009
Isis, Vol. 100,  SUPPLEMENT 1, 2009
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 22, #4, 2010
Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 37, #1, 2010
Logical Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 18, #1, 2010
Nous, Vol. 44, #1, 2010
Philosophical Books, Vol. 50, #3, 2009
Philosophical Forum, Vol. 41, #1-2, 2010
Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 33, #2, 2010
Philosophical Perspectives, Vol. 23, #1, 2010
Review of Philosophy and Psychology (formerly European Review of Philosophy)
South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 28, # 4, 2009
Studia Philosophica Estonica, Vol. 2.2, 2009

Isis, Vol. 100, #4, 2009
Paul Lucier.  The Professional and the Scientist in Nineteenth-Century America.
Chris Manias.  The Race prussienne Controversy: Scientific Internationalism and the Nation.
Thomas Schlich.  The Perfect Machine: Lorenz Böhler's Rationalized Fracture Treatment in World War I.
Focus: The Emotional Economy of Science
Paul White.  Introduction.
Fay Bound Alberti.  Bodies, Hearts, and Minds: Why Emotions Matter to Historians of Science and Medicine.
Paul White.  Darwin's Emotions: The Scientific Self and the Sentiment of Objectivity.
Rhodri Hayward.  Enduring Emotions: James L. Halliday and the Invention of the Psychosocial.
Elizabeth A. Wilson.  “Would I Had Him with Me Always”: Affects of Longing in Early Artificial Intelligence.
Otniel E. Dror.  Afterword: A Reflection on Feelings and the History of Science.
News of the Profession
Mary E. Baldwin.  Eloge: Marianne (Marika) Gosztonyi Ainley, 1937–2008.
Richard Burian, Roger Ariew.  Eloge: Marjorie Glicksman Grene, 1910–2009.
Letters to the Editor
Bruce Eastwood
Marco Zuccato. 
Toni Vogel Carey. 
Essay Reviews
Nick Hopwood.  Darwinism's Tragic Genius: Psychology and Reputation.
Andrew Pickering.  Ventures with Vultures.
Kenneth L. Taylor.  The Establishment of Geohistory.
Book Reviews: GENERAL
Mitchell Ash, Thomas Sturm (Editors). Psychology's Territories: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives from Different Disciplines.  Reviewed by Kurt Danziger.
Kurt Danziger. Marking the Mind: A History of Memory.  Reviewed by Mary Carruthers.
John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, Richard York. Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present.  Reviewed by Michael Ruse.
C. R. Hallpike. How We Got Here: From Bows and Arrows to the Space Age.  Reviewed by Martin Clutton‐Brock.
Joseph E. Harmon, Alan G. Gross (Editors). The Scientific Literature: A Guided Tour.  Reviewed by John P. Jackson Jr.
Klaus Hentschel. Unsichtbares Licht? Dunkle Wärme? Chemische Strahlen? Eine wissenschaftshistorische und theoretische Analyse von Argumenten für das Klassifizieren von Strahlungssorten 1650–1925 mit Schwerpunkt auf den Jahren 1770–1900.  Reviewed by Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis.
Nicole C. Karafyllis, Gotlind Ulshöfer (Editors). Sexualized Brains: Scientific Modeling of Emotional Intelligence from a Cultural Perspective.  Reviewed by Yiftach J. H. Fehige.
Kenton Kroker. The Sleep of Others and the Transformations of Sleep Research.  Reviewed by Andreas Mayer.
Ian F. McNeely, Lisa Wolverton. Reinventing Knowledge: From Alexandria to the Internet.  Reviewed by Peggy Aldrich Kidwell.
Lisa Nocks. The Robot: The Life Story of a Technology.  Reviewed by Peter Asaro.
Josep Simon, Néstor Herran, Tayra Lanuza‐Navarro, Pedro Ruiz‐Castell, Ximo Guillem‐Llobat. Beyond Borders: Fresh Perspectives in History of Science.  Reviewed by Ana Simões.
Robert Tavernor. Smoot's Ear: The Measure of Humanity.  Reviewed by Sarah E. Igo.
Book Reviews: ANTIQUITY
R. J. Hankinson (Editor). The Cambridge Companion to Galen.  Reviewed by John Scarborough.
Paul T. Keyser, Georgia I. Irby‐Massie (Editors). The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek Tradition and Its Many Heirs.  Reviewed by David Sider.
Daryn Lehoux. Astronomy, Weather, and Calendars in the Ancient World: Parapegmata and Related Texts in Classical and Near Eastern Societies.  Reviewed by Clemency Montelle.
Liba Taub. Aetna and the Moon: Explaining Nature in Ancient Greece and Rome.  Reviewed by James Evans.
Hermann Tessenow, Paul U. Unschuld. A Dictionary of the Huang Di nei jing su wen. (Huang Di nei jing su wen Project.)  Reviewed by Vivienne Lo.
Arianna Borrelli. Aspects of the Astrolabe: “Architectonica Ratio” in Tenth and EleventhCentury Europe.  Reviewed by Jan P. Hogendijk.
Antonio Clericuzio, Germana Ernst, Maria Conforti (Editors). Le scienze.   Reviewed by Cynthia Klestinec.
Alfred Hiatt. Terra Incognita: Mapping the Antipodes before 1600.  Reviewed by Lucia Nuti.
David A. King. Astrolabes and Angels, Epigrams and Enigmas: From Regiomontanus' Acrostic for Cardinal Bessarion to Piero della Francesca's.  Reviewed by Marco Böhlandt.
Kurt Ballstadt. Diderot: Natural Philosopher.  Reviewed by Daniel Rosenberg.
Víctor Navarro Brotóns, William Eamon (Editors). Más allá de la Leyenda Negra: España y la Revolutión Científica/Beyond the Black Legend: Spain and the Scientific Revolution.  Reviewed by Beatriz Domingues.
James Delbourgo, Nicholas Dew (Editors). Science and Empire in the Atlantic World.  Reviewed by Roy MacLeod.
The Essential Galileo.  Reviewed by John Henry.
Dario Generali, Marc J. Ratcliff (Editors). From Makers to Users: Microscopes, Markets, and Scientific Practices in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries/Dagli artigiani ai naturalisti: Microscopi, offerta dei mercati e pratiche scientifiche nei secoli XXVII e XVIII.  Reviewed by Ivano Dal Prete.
Urs B. Leu, Raffael Keller, Sandra Weidmann. Conrad Gessner's Private Library.  Reviewed by Candice Delisle.
Neil Safier. Measuring the New World: Enlightenment Science and South America.  Reviewed by James E. McClellan III.
Jules Speller. Galileo's Inquisition Trial Revisited.  Reviewed by Nick Wilding.
Sylvie Taussig, Anthony Turner (Editors). Mémoire de Gassendi: Vies et célébrations écrites avant 1700.  Reviewed by Margaret J. Osler.
Tony Volpe. Science et théologie dans les débats savants de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle: La genèse dans les Philosophical Transactions et le Journal des savants (1665–1710).  Reviewed by Rhoda Rappaport.
Benjamin Wardhaugh. Music, Experiment, and Mathematics in England, 1653–1705.  Reviewed by Jamie C. Kassler.
A. J. Angulo. William Barton Rogers and the Idea of MIT.  Reviewed by Sally Gregory Kohlstedt.
Horst Bredekamp. Darwins Korallen: Die frühen Evolutionsdiagramme und die Tradition der Naturgeschichte.  Reviewed by Marsha Richmond.
Victoria Carroll. Science and Eccentricity: Collecting, Writing, and Performing Science for Early NineteenthCentury Audiences.  Reviewed by Sharrona Pearl.
Charles Darwin. Evolution: Selected Letters of Charles Darwin, 1860–1870.  Reviewed by Martin Fichman.
Jim Endersby. Imperial Nature: Joseph Hooker and the Practices of Victorian Science.  Reviewed by Michael S. Reidy.
Ildikó Gágyor. Johannes Müller und die Pathologische Anatomie: Eine kommentierte Edition der Vorlesungsmitschrift von Jakob Henle (1830).  Reviewed by Jutta Schickore.
Graeme Gooday. Domesticating Electricity: Technology, Uncertainty, and Gender, 1880–1914.  Reviewed by Paul Israel.
Rae Beth Gordon. Dances with Darwin, 1875–1910: Vernacular Modernity in France.  Reviewed by Robert Michael Brain.
Judy Green, Jeanne LaDuke. Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: The Pre1940 Ph.D.'s.  Reviewed by Amy Shell‐Gellasch.
J. B. S. Haldane. What I Require from Life: Writings on Science and Life from J.  Reviewed by Gordon McOuat.
Patrick Harries. Butterflies and Barbarians: Swiss Missionaries and Systems of Knowledge in SouthEast Africa.  Reviewed by David Gordon.
Stephan H. Lindner. Inside IG Farben: Hoechst during the Third Reich.  Reviewed by Alan Beyerchen.
Chris Otter. The Victorian Eye: A Political History of Light and Vision in Britain, 1800–1910.  Reviewed by Geoffrey Cantor.
Randall M. Packard. The Making of a Tropical Disease: A Short History of Malaria.  Reviewed by Warwick Anderson.
Nancy J. Parezo, Don D. Fowler. Anthropology Goes to the Fair: The 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition.  Reviewed by Juliet Burba.
John S. Partington (Editor). H. G. Wells in Nature, 1893–1946: A Reception Reader. (Arbeiten zur Literarischen Phantastik, 3.)  Reviewed by Pamela Gossin.
Marlana Portolano. The Passionate Empiricist: The Eloquence of John Quincy Adams in the Service of Science.  Reviewed by Marc Rothenberg.
Nigel Richardson. Typhoid in Uppingham: Analysis of a Victorian Town and School in Crisis, 1875–1877.  Reviewed by Graham Mooney.
Peter Rowley‐Conwy. From Genesis to Prehistory: The Archaeological Three Age System and Its Contested Reception in Denmark, Britain, and Ireland.  Reviewed by Matthew R. Goodrum.
Rüdiger vom Bruch, Uta Gerhardt, Aleksandra Pawliczek (Editors). Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.  Reviewed by Michael Schüring.
Leopold von Buch. Gesammelte Schriften.  Reviewed by Mott Greene.
Paul Ziche. Wissenschaftslandschaften um 1900: Philosophie, die Wissenschaften und der nichtreduktive Szientismus.  Reviewed by Friedrich StadlerDonata Romizi.
Book Reviews:  RECENT (1950–)
Warwick Anderson. The Collectors of Lost Souls: Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen.  Reviewed by Roger Cooter.
Karin Bijsterveld. Mechanical Sound: Technology, Culture, and Public Problems of Noise in the Twentieth Century.  Reviewed by Julia Kursell.
Raf De Bont. Darwins kleinkinderen: De evolutietheorie in België, 1865–1945.  Reviewed by Ida Stamhuis.
Mike Fortun. Promising Genomics: Iceland and deCODE Genetics in a World of Speculation.  Reviewed by Angela N. H. Creager.
Paul Froese. The Plot to Kill God: Findings from the Soviet Experiment in Secularization.  Reviewed by Terry Martin.
Loren Graham, Irina Dezhina. Science in the New Russia: Crisis, Aid, Reform.  Reviewed by Alexei Kojevnikov.
Jacob Darwin Hamblin. Poison in the Well: Radioactive Waste in the Oceans at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age.  Reviewed by Christopher Sellers.
Stefan Helmreich. Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas.  Reviewed by James Strick.
L. S. Jacyna. Medicine and Modernism: A Biography of Sir Henry Head.  Reviewed by Nadine Weidman.
Robert H. Kargon, Arthur P. Molella. Invented Edens: TechnoCities of the Twentieth Century.  Reviewed by David E. Nye.
Marcel Chotkowski LaFollette. Science on the Air: Popularizers and Personalities on Radio and Early Television.  Reviewed by Katherine Pandora.
Paul A. Lombardo. Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and.  Reviewed by Brent Ruswick.
Rosemary B. Mariner, G. Kurt Piehler (Editors). The Atomic Bomb and American Society: New Perspectives.  Reviewed by Lawrence Badash.
Margaret Marsh, Wanda Ronner. The Fertility Doctor: John Rock and the Reproductive Revolution.  Reviewed by Wendy Kline.
Gavin Schaffer. Racial Science and British Society, 1930–62.  Reviewed by Richard Barnett.
Wendy Wagner, Rena Steinzor (Editors). Rescuing Science from Politics: Regulation and the Distortion of Scientific Research.  Reviewed by Robert T. Pennock.
Georges Canguilhem. Knowledge of Life.  Reviewed by Alfred Tauber.
John R. Cottingham. Cartesian Reflections: Essays on Descartes's Philosophy.  Reviewed by Theo Verbeek.
Jonathan Gorman. Historical Judgement: The Limits of Historiographical Choice.  Reviewed by Nick Tosh.
Nancy J. Nersessian. Creating Scientific Concepts.  Reviewed by Paul Churchland.
Karl Popper. After the Open Society: Selected Social and Political Writings.  Reviewed by Steve Fuller.
Alan Richardson, Thomas Uebel (Editors). The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism.  Reviewed by Jordi Cat.
Notes on Contributors
Index to Isis Vol 100, 2009
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Isis, Vol. 100, SUPPLEMENT 1, 2009
Current Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 22, #4, 2010
Heather D. Lucas, Joel L. Voss, Ken A. Paller.  Familiarity or Conceptual Priming? Good Question! Comment on Stenberg, Hellman, Johansson, and Rosén.
Reply to Editorial
Georg Stenberg, Mikael Johansson, Johan Hellman, Ingmar Rosén.  “Do You See Yonder Cloud?”—On Priming Concepts, A New Test, and a Familiar Outcome. Reply to Lucas et al.: “Familiarity or Conceptual Priming? Good Question! Comment on Stenberg, Hellman, Johansson, and Rosén (2009)”.
Keise Izuma, Daisuke N. Saito, Norihiro Sadato.  Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation.
Kevin R. Smith, I-Hui Hsieh, Kourosh Saberi, Gregory Hickok.  Auditory Spatial and Object Processing in the Human Planum Temporale: No Evidence for Selectivity.
Agnieszka Wykowska, Anna Schubö.  On the Temporal Relation of Top–Down and Bottom–Up Mechanisms during Guidance of Attention.
Nils J. Schneider-Garces, Brian A. Gordon, Carrie R. Brumback-Peltz, Eunsam Shin, Yukyung Lee, Bradley P. Sutton, Edward L. Maclin, Gabriele Gratton, Monica Fabiani.  Span, CRUNCH, and Beyond: Working Memory Capacity and the Aging Brain.
Sandra E. Leh, Alain Ptito, Marc Schönwiesner, Mallar M. Chakravarty, Kathy T. Mullen.  Blindsight Mediated by an S-Cone-independent Collicular Pathway: An fMRI Study in Hemispherectomized Subjects.
Spencer D. Kelly, Peter Creigh, James Bartolotti.  Integrating Speech and Iconic Gestures in a Stroop-like Task: Evidence for Automatic Processing.
Yetta Kwailing Wong, Isabel Gauthier.  A Multimodal Neural Network Recruited by Expertise with Musical Notation.
Kentaro Yamanaka, Yoshiharu Yamamoto.  Single-trial EEG Power and Phase Dynamics Associated with Voluntary Response Inhibition.
Benedikt Reuter, Christian Kaufmann, Julia Bender, Thomas Pinkpank, Norbert Kathmann.  Distinct Neural Correlates for Volitional Generation and Inhibition of Saccades.
Keith J. Duncan, Chotiga Pattamadilok, Joseph T. Devlin.  Investigating Occipito-temporal Contributions to Reading with TMS.
Makoto Kusunoki, Natasha Sigala, Hamed Nili, David Gaffan, John Duncan.  Target Detection by Opponent Coding in Monkey Prefrontal Cortex.
Durk Talsma, Brian Coe, Douglas P. Munoz, Jan Theeuwes.  Brain Structures Involved in Visual Search in the Presence and Absence of Color Singletons.
Robert J. Zatorre, Andrea R. Halpern, Marc Bouffard.  Mental Reversal of Imagined Melodies: A Role for the Posterior Parietal Cortex.
Valorie N. Salimpoor, Catie Chang, Vinod Menon.  Neural Basis of Repetition Priming during Mathematical Cognition: Repetition Suppression or Repetition Enhancement?
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Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 37, #1, 2010
Special Issue: Regulating Sex/Work: From Crime Control to Neo-liberalism
Jane Scoular, Teela Sanders.  Introduction: The Changing Social and Legal Context of Sexual Commerce: Why Regulation Matters.
Jane Scoular.  What's Law Got To Do With it? How and Why Law Matters in the Regulation of Sex Work.
Barbara G. Brents, Teela Sanders.  Mainstreaming the Sex Industry: Economic Inclusion and Social Ambivalence.
Ronald Weitzer.  The Movement to Criminalize Sex Work in the United States.
Barbara Sullivan.  When (Some) Prostitution is Legal: The Impact of Law Reform on Sex Work in Australia.
Prabha Kotiswaran.  Labours in Vice or Virtue? Neo-liberalism, Sexual Commerce, and the Case of Indian Bar Dancing.
Mary Whowell.  Male Sex Work: Exploring Regulation in England and Wales.
Belinda Brooks-Gordon.  Bellwether Citizens: The Regulation of Male Clients of Sex Workers.
Feona Attwood, Clarissa Smith.  Extreme Concern: Regulating 'Dangerous Pictures' in the United Kingdom.
Baptiste Coulmont, Phil Hubbard.  Consuming Sex: Socio-legal Shifts in the Space and Place of Sex Shops.
Maggie O'Neill.  Cultural Criminology and Sex Work: Resisting Regulation through Radical Democracy and Participatory Action Research.
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Logical Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 18, #1, 2010
Special Issue: Normative Multiagent Systems
Guido Boella, Gabriella Pigozzi, Munindar P. Singh, Harko Verhagen.  Normative Multiagent Systems: Guest Editors’ Introduction.
Original Articles
Thomas Ågotnes, Wiebe Van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge.  Robust normative systems and a logic of norm compliance.
Alexander Artikis and Marek Sergot.  Executable specification of open multi-agent systems.
José Carmo.  Collective agency, direct action and dynamic operators.
Tiago de Lima, Lambér Royakkers, Frank Dignum.  A logic for reasoning about responsibility.
Sindhu Joseph, Carles Sierra, Marco Schorlemmer, Pilar Dellunde.  Deductive coherence and norm adoption.
Guido Governatori, Antonino Rotolo.  Changing legal systems: legal abrogations and annulments in Defeasible Logic.
Clara Smith, Antonino Rotolo.  Collective trust and normative agents.
Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini, Jomi F. Hübner, Laurent Vercouter.  A logic of trust and reputation.
Serena Villata.  A normative multiagent approach to requirements engineering.
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Nous, Vol. 44, #1, 2010
Jason Turner.  Fitting Attitudes De Dicto and De Se.
Martin Smith.  What Else Justification Could Be.
David Bourget.  Consciousness is Underived Intentionality.
Dale Dorsey.  Three Arguments for Perfectionism.
Boris Kment.  Causation: Determination and Difference-Making.
Adina L. Roskies.  'That' Response doesn't Work: Against a Demonstrative Defense of Conceptualism.
Matthew Noah Smith.  Reliance.
Randolph Clarke.  Intentional Omissions.
Ross P. Cameron.  From Humean Truthmaker Theory to Priority Monism.
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Philosophical Books, Vol. 50, #3, 2009
Critical notices
Teresa Robertson. Essentialism and reference to kinds: three issues in Penelope Mackie's how things might have been: individuals, kinds, and essential properties.
Jonathan Schaffer. The deflationary metaontology of Thomasson's ordinary objects.
Elisabeth Schellekens. Art, emotion, ethics: conceptual boundaries and kinds of value.
William Ramsey. The harmonic mind: from neural computation to optimality-theoretic grammar—volume 1: cognitive architecture and volume 2: linguistic and philosophical implications.
Andrew Melnyk. Realization realized.
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Philosophical Forum, Vol. 41, #1-2, 2010
Peter Gilgen. Introduction: On Going Back To Kant, Again.
Peter Uwe Hohendahl. The Crisis Of Neo-Kantianism And The Reassessment Of Kant After World War I: Preliminary Remark.
Andrew Chignell. Kant Between The Wars: A Reply To Hohendahl.
Hans Henrik Bruun. The Incompatibility Of Values And The Importance Of Consequences: Max Weber And The Kantian Legacy.
Susan Buck-Morss. Reply To Bruun.
Richard A. Cohen. Franz Rosenzweig's Star Of Redemption And Kant.
Peter Gilgen. Rosenzweig's Thinking After Kant: A Reply To Richard A. Cohen.
Rodolphe Gasché. A Material A Priori? On Max Scheler's Critique Of Kant's Formal Ethics.
Michelle Kosch. Gasché On Scheler.
Taylor Carman. Heidegger's Anti-Neo-Kantianism.
Anette Schwarz.  Reply To Taylor Carman: Heidegger's Anti-Neo-Kantianism.
Max Pensky. Contributions Toward A Theory Of Storms: Historical Knowing And Historical Progress In Kant And Benjamin.
Dominick Lacapra.  Kant, Benjamin, Pensky And The Historical Sublime.
Wolfram Malte Fues. The Foe. The Radical Evil. Political Theology In Immanuel Kant And Carl Schmitt .
Geoffrey Waite. Kant, Schmitt Or Fues On Political Theology, Radical Evil And The Foe : (Pour Une Philosophie Buissonnière Et Parallactique).
Notes On Contributors
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Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 33, #2, 2010
David Carr.  Moral Madness.
Frederick E. Mosedale.  Wittgenstein and Ebersole.
Michel ter Hark.  Experience of Meaning, Secondary Use and Aesthetics.
Nadine Faulkner.  Wittgenstein's Philosophical Grammar: A Neglected Discussion of Vagueness.
Timo-Peter Ertz.  Regel und Witz: Wittgensteinsche Perspektiven auf Mathematik, Sprache und Moral.  Reviewed by Severin Schroeder.
Aaron Preston.  Analytic Philosophy: The History of an Illusion.  Reviewed by Daniel D. Hutto.
Phil Hutchinson, Rupert Read and Wes Sharrock.  There is No Such Thing as Social Science: In Defence of Peter Winch.  Reviewed by Carolyn Wilde.
Books Received
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Philosophical Perspectives, Vol. 23, #1, 2010
Elizabeth Barnes. Disability and Adaptive Preference.
Samantha Brennan. Moderate Deontology and Moral Gaps’s.
Remy Debes. Dignity’s Guantlet.
James Dreier. Relativism (and Expressivism) and the Problem of Disagreement.
G.F. Gaus. Recognized Rights as Devices of Public Reason.
Mark Greenberg. Moral Concepts and Motivation.
Caspar Hare. Perfectly Balanced Interests.
Elizabeth Harman. “I’ll Be Glad I did It” Reasoning and the Significance of Future Desires.
Pamela Hieronymi. The Will as Reason.
Thomas Hill. Kant and Humanitarian Intervention.
Dale Jamieson and Robert Eliton. Progressive Consequentalism.
Shelly Kagan. Well-Being as Enjoying the Good.
Rae Langton. Esteem in the Moral Economy of Oppression.
James Lenman. Achieving Objectivity.
Theresa Lopez, Jennifer Zamzow, Michael Gill, Shaun Nichols. Side Constraints and the Structure of Comme Senes Ethics.
Sarah McGrath. The Puzzle of Pure Moral Deference.
Jeff McMahan. Intention, Permissibility, Terrorism and War.
Michael Otsuka. Moral Luck: Optional, Not Brute.
Thomas Pink. Promising and Obligation.
Michael Ridge. Consequentalist Kantianism.
Pekka Väyrynen. Objectionable Thick Concepts in Denials.
R. Jay Wallace. The Publicity of Reasons.
Ralph Wedgewood. The “Good” and the “Right” Revisited.
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Review of Philosophy and Psychology (formerly European Review of Philosophy)
Dario Taraborelli, Roberto Casati, Paul Egré and Christophe Heintz
Finn Spicer. Cultural Variations in Folk Epistemic Intuitions.
Hugo Mercier. The Social Origins of Folk Epistemology.
Simon Cullen. Survey-Driven Romanticism
Hannes Ole Matthiessen. Seeing and Hearing Directly.
Joshua May, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Jay G. Hull and Aaron Zimmerman. Practical Interests, Relevant Alternatives, and Knowledge Attributions: an Empirical Study.
Michael Kubovy and Michael Schutz. Audio-Visual Objects.
Nicolas J. Bullot and Paul Égré. Editorial: Objects and Sound Perception
Sandra Pellizzoni, Vittorio Girotto and Luca Surian. Beliefs and Moral Valence Affect Intentionality Attributions: the Case of Side Effects.
Geoffrey P. Goodwin and John M. Darley. The Perceived Objectivity of Ethical Beliefs: Psychological Findings and Implications for Public Policy.
Benoit Hardy-Vallée and Benoît Dubreuil. Folk Epistemology as Normative Social Cognition.
Stephen Davies. Perceiving Melodies and Perceiving Musical Colors.
Joshua Knobe, Tania Lombrozo and Edouard Machery. Editorial: Psychology and Experimental Philosophy.
Casey O’Callaghan. Perceiving the Locations of Sounds.
Andrew E. Monroe and Bertram F. Malle. From Uncaused Will to Conscious Choice: The Need to Study, Not Speculate About People’s Folk Concept of Free Will.
David Roden. Sonic Art and the Nature of Sonic events.
Mohan Matthen. On the Diversity of Auditory Objects.
Eric Schwitzgebel and Joshua Rust. Do Ethicists and Political Philosophers Vote More Often Than Other Professors?
Bryce Huebner, Michael Bruno and Hagop Sarkissian. What Does the Nation of China Think About Phenomenal States?
Matthew Nudds. What Are Auditory Objects?
Matthew Weber and Daniel Osherson. Similarity and Induction.
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South African Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 28, # 4, 2009
Steffen Ducheyne. Whewell, Necessity and the Inductive Sciences: A Philosophical-Systematic Survey.
Patrick Giddy. Objectivity and Subjectivity: an Argument for Rethinking the Philosophy Syllabus.
Tony Fluxman. Marx, Rationalism and the Critique of the Market.
T.F. Morris. Plato’s Cave.
Rene ten Bos. Touched by genius: on animals and madmen.
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Studia Philosophica Estonica, Vol. 2.2, 2009
Special Issue:  “The Role of Intuitions in Philoosphical Methodology” edited by Daniel Chonitz and Sören Häggqvist
Daniel Cohnitz, Sören Häggqvist.  The Role of Intuitions in Philosophy.
Kristoffer Ahlstrom.  Intuitions in Epistemology: Towards a Naturalistic Alternative.
Joshua Earlenbaugh, Bernard Molyneux.  If Intuitions Must Be Evidential then Philosophy is in Big Trouble.
Mark Fedyk.  Philosophical Intuitions.
Jussi Haukioja.  Intuitions, Externalism, and Conceptual Analysis.
Jonathan Ichikawa.  Explaining Away Intuitions.
Sebastian Lutz.  Ideal Language Philosophy and Experiments on Intuitions.
Gergo Somodi.  Ignorance Radicalized.
Brian Talbot.  Psychology and the Use of Intuitions in Philosophy.
Jonathan M. Weinberg, Stephen J. Crowley.  Loose Constitutivity and Armchair Philosophy.
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